Navigating the Third Space: Khushwant Singh’s 'Bhagmati' and Arundhati Roy’s 'Anjum'

Shruti Rawal


The society has been divided in the broad categories of male and female. The transgender has been isolated and pushed to the margins of the society. It endeavors a non straight perspective to reveal the problematic of representing sexual categories and brings forth the range of complexity. The classification of individuals in society has always been hierarchical. The report intends to study the portrayal of the transgender in the works of two eminent Indian English writers: Khushwant Singh’s Delhi and Arundhati Roy’s The Ministry of Utmost Happiness. The study has focused on their conditions, the reaction of their families, their lives and the attitude of the society towards them. It studies the archetypes and myths associated with them and their influence on the collective conscious of the society. It intends to create a better understanding of their state which will lead to empathy and work towards an inclusive and stable social structure.


transgender; society; space

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